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and then use your voice to advocate for the preborn!

This is not your mother's opinion...You owe it to yourself to find and know truth.

It’s difficult to think of a more valuable way to spend my time, than advocating for the voiceless! I think the conversation around abortion is lacking love on every angle. The beauty is that by joining the conversation about protecting the preborn, so much grace and compassion is created. Stories are able to be told, tears are able to be shed, and healing is able to begin. I am thrilled to be a part of this movement that’s motive is LOVE. No other agenda except spreading love. No matter your experience or political opinions, I would encourage you to join the conversation. I think you’ll be surprised to see how your life changes!
Jessie Clark
Age 20
Here’s the deal, a BABY changes everything. I chose life!
Age 20 - "Pregnant at 19"
“We’re not all of the things we say we believe; we’re all of the things we do about them.”
Bob Goff
I stand for the preborn because I believe life is very sacred. The life of a little one is just as important as any other life already existing. We must stand for those who do not have a voice. It is our duty to protect and stand up for those who cannot protect and stand up for themselves. I stand and speak for the child who doesn’t have a voice and say, “give me a chance at life, I have rights too!”
Kara Grace Egan
Age 20

Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves;

ensure justice for those being crushed.

Yes, speak up for the poor and helpless, and see that they get justice.

Psalm 31:8-9
After delivering our thirteen week old baby at home, I prayed over my child teeming with value and dignity. A person with fingers, toes, and a little heart I could see through his or her translucent skin. The gift of seeing a person at 13 weeks old has brought my wife and I the full assurance that every person at conception holds an incalculable amount of worth to be defended.
Graham McMillon